The next time someone asks you, ‘But where do you get your protein from?’ just whack them round the head with this book.
The Great Vegan Protein Book by Celine Steen and Tamasin Noyes is a cookbook bursting with – in case you hadn’t guessed – protein-rich recipes. These mouth-watering plant-based recipes are categorised into chapters containing:
- Beans and legumes
- Grains, nuts and seeds
- Tofu and tempeh
- Seitan

There’s also a chapter devoted to protein – why we need it, where can we get it from etc., in case you want to swot up on the facts and go down a route less violent upon being asked *that* question, other than whacking them over the head with a book.
Lots of full-page colour photos accompany the recipes, which range from breakfasts to desserts, along with soups, salads and sandwiches.

Giveaway: Win a copy of The Great Vegan Protein Book
If you’d like to win a copy of The Great Vegan Protein Book, simply leave a comment below with the answer to this question:
Which of these is not a good source of protein?
a) Tofu
b) Traffic cones
c) Kidney beans
Terms & Conditions:
UK entries only.
One winner will be drawn at random after the closing date of Midnight, Saturday 4 April 2015.
The winner will be announced on this website no later than Saturday 11 April 2015. If the winner doesn’t come forward within a week after this date, a new winner will be announced.
I’m hoping that the answer is b- traffic cones, because I for one am guilty of not including them in my diet. Gulp.
b) Traffic cones
Lol! Traffic cones. I need one of these to hit ppl with 😉
B) Traffic Cones! 😛
B) Traffic cones!!! :p
b) Traffic cones
b) traffic cones !!!!!!!!!
I think it might be b) traffic cones!
b) Traffic cones. Unless you beat meat eater round the head with them first. That’s vegan, right?
B) traffic cones unless they are made from Tofu, or turned upside down to use as a communal container to dip into and get out tasty deep fried tcrispy tofu
Hi. Are you the Pat who lived in London?
b) Traffic cones!
B – traffic cones
B. Traffic cones :p
Traffic Cones… But there might be a really great traffic cone recipe in this book that you aren’t telling us about 😛
b) Traffic cones.. haha.. don’t fancy even trying one ta!!
Those red and white stripey things…Erm…oh yes! Traffic cones!
I’m pretty sure that it’s b) Traffic cones, otherwise we’re all in trouble! Thanks! 🙂
Hmm let me think about this one… b) traffic cones!
b) Traffic cones oooh, I hope I’m right 😉 😉
B) Traffic cones!
Traffic cones! 😀
i think it would have to be traffic cones haha
Traffic cones!
B. Traffic cones, Final answer.
b) Traffic cones! Ah, memories of student days …
B) Traffic Cones 🙂
Definitely b – traffic cones!
Traffic cones!
🙂 Loads of protein in tofu and kidney beans so it would have to be b) traffic cones! Although, I suppose I could layer tofu and kidney beans into traffic cone shapes… ooo or my sizzling baked tofu with my quick chick peas might be more traffic cone colour! 😛 🙂
Traffic cones!
I’m guessing b) traffic cones!