Nutribox–healthy snacks delivered to your door

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ll know that I occasionally get a box from I didn’t think anything could top their snacks in terms of variety and healthiness but then I heard about The Nutribox.


Wow, what can I say? Their boxes are amazing. I received a Nutribox-Mini and inside were nine different snacks which were all vegan and/or raw. There were even two bars of raw chocolate. Raw chocolate? Doesn’t sound great, does it? But I tried it and there was no difference between that and a good quality bar of dark chocolate. The Meat Eater refused to try it as, although he’s okay with vegetarianism, he’ll roll his eyes if I mention words such as ‘vegan’ or ‘raw’. But, hey, pah to him. More snacks for me, eh?

Each month, Nutribox will send a box containing such goodies like the ones in the photo above (or tons more if you choose the next size box up – you’ll receive a massive 16-20 snacks, including vegetable crisps), along with a card letting you know what’s in your box.

Also in my Nutribox-Mini were Energise Raw ‘Fruit Cookies’ (these were delicious and my absolute fave so far), a Braw bar (similar to a Nakd bar), a bag of No Choc Fruit & Nut (whole almonds, hazelnuts, sultanas and raisins), a bag of Tropical Mix (banana chips, whole almonds and coconut), two bars of Ombar Raw Chocolate (plain and orange), a raw choc crisp Energy Bomb (a natural energy bar with raw chocolate, guarana and gingseng), Bounce Energy Ball (a chewy mix of nuts (cashew and pecan), oats and seeds) and a bag of Hot Cross Bun (cranberries, hazelnuts and sultanas).

All snacks in a Nutribox are suitable for vegetarians, gluten-free and the majority are dairy-free.

You’ll get 25% off your first box, so why not sign up now – I’m already looking forward to my second box!

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