Apple cake

The Meat Eater had a birthday yesterday so I made him a cake. Not a very traditional cake – this one was low fat and healthy. I didn’t make it because it was low fat and healthy, I made it because I’ve never made a proper cake before and icing and jam and cream and stuff sounded difficult, fiddly, time-consuming, messy and anyway, I don’t really like cakes so I wanted to make something I would eat too.


This apple cake is easy, you just bung the ingredients together and bake it for about an hour.


It’s moist and appley and much nicer than a chocolate cake, I reckon.

Apple cake (12 slices)
Taken from Food for Fitness by Anita Bean

3 eating apples, grated
300g self raising flour
100g brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
2 egg whites
100ml apple juice

Mix all the ingredients together and spoon into a lightly oiled loaf tin and bake at 160C/gas mark 3 for about 1-1¼ hours. Check the cake is cooked by inserting a skewer or knife into the centre. It should come out clean.

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