Raw, no-bake cookies

Katie (who blogs at Cakes vs Scales) tweeted yesterday:


And I thought I WANT THOSE COOKIES and asked her for the recipe. Katie kindly obliged and I’m glad she did as they’re absolutely gorgeous and, as there’s no baking involved, are ready in a couple of minutes. If you want to veganise them, swap the honey for maple syrup.


Raw, no bake cookies (makes 8)

80g oats
50g prunes
25g raisins
1 tsp cocoa
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 tbsp honey

Put all the ingredients in a food processor and blitz. If the mixture seems too dry, add more honey.

Roll into 8 balls, then press down with the palms of your hands.

Stop looking for more instructions – that’s it!

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  1. Your’s look so much more photogenic than mine 🙂
    Plus I’ve eaten the whole batch so guess I’ll be making more later (this is no bad thing)..Enjoy!

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