Jason Vale’s 3 day detox – Day three

I get up really late. This could be because a) I went to bed late; b) my body’s taking subconscious advantage of the fact that it’s the first time in five months I haven’t had to get up to go to work; c) girls’ things; or d) all of the above.

I was going to skip breakfast but I make the Detox Special from day one as that was nice but takes flipping ages as I’m chased around the kitchen by a wasp, attracted by all the fruit pulp.


I’m back from the gym and have made an executive decision. I’m not going to have the Beyond Detox for lunch as is on the programme, as I can’t face the avocado again, so I’m going to have the Detox Special again. And yes, I know I moaned about having to have it for breakfast and lunch on day one and now I’m voluntarily having the same thing twice in a row. I’ve run out of carrots though, so I’ll have to leave that out.

I also forget to add the beetroot and I could add it in afterwards but I’ve only got one large one left and I don’t want to cut that just for one slice, so I leave it out, so it only contains 2 apples, a slice of lemon, an inch of broccoli stem, a quarter of a yellow bell pepper and blended with ice, and without the carrot it’s a lot thinner and without the beetroot, it’s green instead of red.

detox 001


I’m getting hungry as I have done for the last two days around this time and it’s not been made any better by me thinking about what I’m going to have for dinner tomorrow. I’ve decided to stick to a juice or smoothie for breakfast and lunch and then a healthy meal in the evening. Tomorrow’s dinner will be stir-fried tofu and veg with basmati rice. Although, strangely, the thought now – even though it’s only been three days – of eating something hot that requires chewing, seems strange. Ah well, I’m sure that’ll only last until it’s in front of me.


That’s it! I’ve just had my last ‘meal’ of the 3 day detox and very nice it was too. It was the Dreamy Detox that I had for yesterday’s lunch. The Meat Eater is currently eating tortellini with tomato and mascarpone sauce. Jealous, me? Nope, not at all. But only because it’s ham and bacon tortellini. He was very kind and didn’t make any garlic bread though in case I caved in.

I’ll do a summary and conclusion of the detox tomorrow. Now I’m off for some pizza and wine.

Just kidding.

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  1. I just read your blog. I’ve just started this detox today (wish me luck!) but actually reading your experiences makes me feel like I might be able to get through it. 3 days has to be easier than 7 right?! Did you feel any of the positive health benefits afterwards that Jason talks about in his books? I couldn’t see the summary page (not sure if there is one?!). Also, Did you assume you are allowed to drink as much water as you like or are you just supposed to get your water intake from the hot water/lemon and the h20 juice? The book isn’t clear on this and I don’t want to do myself any harm by not drinking as much as I normally drink, but I also want to do it properly otherwise I’ll never be able to asses whether I thought it was worth it or not!

  2. Absolutely loved reading this it was very funny & I’m not so worried about starting my 3 day detox now (apart from the avocado)
    And I will definitely remember my celery.
    Do you still juice after all this time?

    1. Hi Clare, I don’t juice regularly anymore (although during the summer I had a phase of a few weeks having juice for breakfast and lunch, then a ‘normal’ dinner) but I would recommend it. It’s just about making it a habit really! Hope you enjoy your 3 day detox – let me know how you get on!

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