Giveaway: Win a Box of Corkers Crisps

Corkers Thai Sweet Chilli Flavour Crisps
Corkers Thai Sweet Chilli Flavour Crisps
Thai Sweet Chilli Flavour

I reckon the busiest aisle in my local supermarket is the crisp aisle and, in my opinion, this is rightly so. Yeah, okay, so we’re turning into a nation of fatties and this isn’t a good thing, yada yada but… crisps… Crispy, crunchy, wonderful crisps.

Corkers sussed I love crisps, and asked me if I wanted two boxes of theirs – one for me and one to give away. Obviously, being a) a glutton; and b) of sound mind (no sane person would give away their crisps), I wanted to keep both boxes for myself but I showed some restraint, thanked them for their generosity and asked them to keep the winner’s box to one side to stop me from eating them all, therefore leaving the winner with only a few crumbs in an otherwise empty box, which would probably breach a few blog giveaway guidelines.

Corkers crisps
Don’t panic – the pork sausage flavour ones are vegetarian

I’m now going to pretend you haven’t scrolled down to the bit where I give away the crisps, but if you are still reading this, here are few facts about Corkers:

  • The crisps are made in the fenlands in Cambridgeshire.  Not only are the potatoes grown on the family farm but the factory is also located there and all the crisps are hand-cooked on site.
  • The Naturalo potato has a unique flavour from being grown in the rich peaty fenlands – it makes crisps with a unique crunch.
  • They have just won Potato Grower of the Year by UK Growers and been named Best Regional Supplier by Waitrose (they also have a host of Great Taste Awards).
  • The company was set up by best friends Ross and Rod in 2010, who had the idea whilst they were on a ski-ing trip but Ross’ family has been farming on the land since 1800s.
  • The crisps are currently stocked at National Trust properties, the Tate, selected Waitrose stores and also

Although I haven’t eaten my way through the whole box yet, I’ve had a packet of the Thai Sweet Chilli Flavour and I can confirm that this is a quality crisp – firm, crunchy and full of flavour. Much better than that Walkers thin splintery rubbish.

Win a box of 8 packets of Corkers crisps 
Win a box of 8 packets of Corkers crisps
Win a box of 8 packets of Corkers crisps

If you’d like to win a box of 8 packets of Corkers crisps (feel free to donate them back to me if you do win), just leave me a comment below letting me know what flavour crisp you would invent if you were in charge of inventing crisp flavours. I think I’d like cheese and baked bean flavour.

Terms and conditions 

I can’t guarantee which flavours will be in the box, but they will all be vegetarian.
One winner will be chosen at random using a random number generator after the closing date of Saturday 31 October 2015.
The winner will be emailed, so make sure you leave a working email address (it won’t be shared with anyone).
UK entries only.

For more information about Corkers:

Visit their website
Follow them on Twitter
Like them on Facebook


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  1. i was actually going to say cheesey beans flavour, so I’m with you on that one. Maybe we could start up a potition to get this flavour made, they know at least two of us would buy them

  2. I love the sound of cheese and baked beans! Let me know if you ever get them on the market 😀

    I think I’d invent pesto pasta flavour

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