31Dover – Your Drinks, Delivered

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A few years ago, I made chilli vodka with the chillies harvested in the summer. It was as simple as simply bunging some chillies into a bottle of vodka, then waiting six weeks for it to do its chilli-infusing thing.

Had I’d known about 31dover.com back then, I could have saved myself the six week wait, put the chillies on a pizza instead and ordered a bottle of 31Dover’s Naga Chilli Vodka, which would have arrived with me the next day.

However, I didn’t know about 31Dover back then and, after reading the blurb about their Naga Chilli Vodka (‘… a ridiculously hot vodka straight from the bowels of hell’), I’m not sure I’d have been brave enough to try it anyway.

What I did fancy trying though was their Two Birds Christmas Spiced Vodka, which is what I chose after 31Dover got in touch to ask me if I’d like to review something from their website. Well, I wasn’t going to say no to free alcohol, was I?

A matte-black gift box turned up the next day, where nestled inside lay a beautiful bottle. I’ve never seen such a pretty bottle of vodka.

31Dover.com gift box

Two Birds Christmas Spiced Vodka

Two Birds Christmas Spiced Vodka

Apparently, Two Birds Christmas Spiced Vodka is like a ‘mince pie in a glass’. I say ‘apparently’ because, unfortunately, I’ve had the lurgy since receiving it and haven’t tried any yet. Part of me did think ‘alcohol kills germs, get it down ya’, but the sensible part of me thought ‘you have no stop button and you will drink the whole bottle in one go and die’ and I don’t fancy dying, even for the good of this blog. Not before my birthday, anyway (which is on Tuesday 22 December, by the way).

So, although I can’t tell you if the Two Birds Christmas Spiced Vodka really is like a mince pie in a glass, I can tell you a bit more about 31Dover.

The business was created by the founders of Vanquish Wine – central London’s leading drinks distributor to the trade, who supply London’s top restaurants, bars, hotels and nightclubs with Champagne, wine and spirits. In 2010, Vanquish won the Drinks Business of the Year Award, which set them apart from their competition, enabling 31Dover.com to offer next-day delivery and online pricing backed by a price match guarantee.

You won’t find thousands of wines, beers and spirits on their website, as each bottle is personally recommended by their wine experts and personally tested by everyone on the 31Dover.com team (yes, I want a job there too).

However, you’re sure to find something you want – whether that’s chilli vodka or a case of craft beer – and you can order as little as one bottle or enough for a whole party. Next day delivery is standard and free for orders over £100.

Discount code for Planet Veggie readers 

If you’d like to avoid the alcohol aisle in your local supermarket this Christmas and have your drinks delivered to your door instead (yes, I know supermarkets deliver alcohol but do they sell such things as vodka that tastes like mince pies, huh?), you can use the code 31DCATHY (this is not my bra size by the way) at the checkout until 20 December to get 10% off your order.




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  1. I’ve made chilli vodka with our homegrown chillies, but I’ve not tried a Christmas spiced one – I bet it’s gorgeous.

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