Simba Hybrid Essential Mattress Topper Review

A photo of a black cast iron bed with a mattress and a mattress topper on top

A mattress topper is something I’ve considered investing in for a while because, although my mattress is still within the ‘buy a new mattress after 8 years’ thing, I wanted an upgrade. I actually needed an upgrade because I’m a skinflint who bought the second cheapest mattress in Argos and to be honest, it’s not great.

The thing is though, one of my cats has a penchant for weeing on my bed when she wants her breakfast and I’m not prepared to spend money on a decent mattress, only for it to be weed on within a week.

So, when Simba asked me if I wanted a Simba double mattress topper to review, I replied immediately, OH MY GOD YES PLEASE THANK YOU SO MUCH I THINK I LOVE YOU CAN YOU SEND ME A PILLOW AS WELL PLEASE? and Simba, being my new favourite company in the world ever, said yes, we’ll send you a pillow too, no problem, just don’t let your cat wee on it (they might not have actually said that last bit). 

The sciency bit

Simba probably paid a lot of money for their copywriters, so I’m going to let them describe their products themselves:

Simba Hybrid Essential Mattress Topper

Transform any mattress in an instant with our comfort-boosting mattress topper. Our innovative design combines up to 2,500 ingenious Aerocoil® springs and a layer of open-structure Simbatex® foam. Designed to offer enhanced airflow for a fresher, more comfortable sleep. Includes removable, washable cover.

Nope, I have no idea what Aerocoil springs are either but now I want an Aero, dammit.

Simba Hybrid Pillow

Not too soft, not too high, not too firm… Our adjustable Hybrid® pillow is always ‘just right’.

This is thanks to the knitted, inner pillow of tiny, squishy, foam Nanocubes® you’ll find at the heart of every Hybrid® pillow; not only does this clever system encourage greater airflow, but you can also remove/add cubes to achieve the height and firmness you prefer in your pillow.

Yep, they’re still making up words. I mean, ‘Nanocubes’? 

There’s plenty more sciency stuff on Simba’s website if you want it but I’d rather get on and tell you about the pillow and the mattress topper. Let’s start with the pillow. 

Simba Hybrid Pillow

The pillow arrived in a sturdy zipped storage bag you could use for, say, storing fabric scraps if you’re a sewer like me, your old pillow, or give it to your cat to play with. 

Grey zipped bag with handles with a Simba logo on the front

Of course, I had to have a peek to see what a Nanocube was and I obviously hadn’t looked at the website properly because I wasn’t expecting to see actual cubes inside but actual cubes inside was indeed what I saw. 

A partially unzipped pillow showing blue foam cubes inside

Now, Simba being the clever people they are, when they’re not sitting in their boardroom thinking up stupid names for things, someone must have piped up with, ‘What if some people don’t want so many Nanocubes in their pillow?’

Because the cubes are, well, cubes, you can take some out or put more in, depending on how firm/soft/high/low you like your pillow. But before you say, ‘Yeah, but what am I supposed to do with all the spare Nanocubes, eh? Simba didn’t think about that when they were in their stupid meeting did they?’ Well, they did actually. Simba provide a nifty little bag in which to store any spare Nanocubes and  make a little pillow for your pet hamster. 

white mesh bag

Okay, so we’ve ascertained the pillow is full of cubes but how does it feel? Is it squishy? IS IT SQUISHY? JUST LOOK AT THE SQUISH ON THIS! You don’t get this squish on your cheapy Wilko (RIP) pillow, do you? Sorry, Wilko, I know I shouldn’t speak ill of the dead but your pillows are pretty shit to be fair.

You may at this point be thinking, ‘These Nanocubes are all very well and good at providing a bespoke level of squish but don’t they make the pillow lumpy?’ I hear ya because this is exactly what I thought too. I don’t want to sleep on lumps. I’m 54 years old and I give a massive swerve to anything that might give me even more sleep creases. I got sleep creases so badly recently I found out what I’ll look like when I’m 70. 

But, SPOILER ALERT, it’s not lumpy to sleep on. It’s just lovely and squishy and comfy and everything you want from a pillow. 

Simba Hybrid Essential Mattress Topper

Simba mattress topper on a mattress on a black cast iron bed

Although I was looking forward to having my bed upgraded with a mattress topper that costs more than my actual mattress did, I was worried it would make my bed too high for my cat, Biscuit, to jump up on.

Biscuit is old and arthritic and she’s been struggling to jump up on the bed as it is for a while now. At the risk of victim-blaming, this is partly her fault as she used to use the little table next to my bed as a stepping stone until I decoupaged it and now she won’t go near it. Maybe she’s scared of the cats? I don’t know. She’s weird. Cool table though, huh? 

Small bedside table decoupaged with pictures of cats

But it was fine, yay, and she continues to sleep happily on her side of the bed. She’s not getting her own posh pillow though. She can continue to dribble on the cheap Wilko one. No, I don’t know why I’m still single either. Don’t all men want to share their pillow with an old, arthritic, dribbly cat?  

Tortoiseshell cat sitting on a pillow at the end of a cast iron bed

I’ve been sleeping so well since I got my Simba Hybrid Essential Mattress Topper and Hybrid Pillow. In fact, I sleep so well, when I get up in the morning, my bed doesn’t look like it’s been slept in. Squidge has given it her approval, too.

Thank you so much to Simba for sending me the mattress topper and pillow to review, I absolutely love them (and I’m not just saying that. If you’ve read my other reviews, you’ll know if I don’t like something, I’ll say so.)


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