Halloumi stuffed peppers

I’ve been a bad domestic goddess over the past couple of weeks. I’ve only cooked one meal from scratch; the rest of the time we’ve either eaten out or been living on pie and chips, takeaway pizza, ready-made tortellini with ready-made pasta sauce and garlic bread, although peas did make a brief appearance on the plate yesterday next to the chips.

But now that we’re back in the real world after Christmas, and slacking must stop, I thought I’d better cook something. Trouble is, I couldn’t be bothered to look up any recipes and go shopping. Then I remembered the two red peppers that have been in the fridge for ages but still are remarkably ok and the packet of halloumi and the couscous I bought to make the halloumi stuffed peppers I’d seen on the BBC Good Food website a while ago.

So that’s what I made. Although without the mushrooms, as that would have meant leaving the house to go and buy them.



The Riverford veg box delivery resumes tomorrow, and healthy eating shall be restored.

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