You’d have thought I’d had enough of salad after doing the Bodychef diet plan for a week but, being keen to keep up my healthy eating, I took a look at A Salad For All Seasons by Harry Eastwood that had been sent to me recently.

Harry’s book is divided into seasons, with each recipe stating its calorie count, along with how many of your 5-a-day it contains. Although this isn’t a 100% vegetarian cookbook, most of the recipes containing meat or fish are followed by a note at the bottom giving a suggestion for a vegetarian version. At the back of the book are recipes for glazings, pestos, dressings and vinegars.

I made the Lebanese Fattoush but left out the pitta bread and instead of using a cos lettuce, I used a bag of Florette salad (Florette also have plenty of salad recipes on their website).

The sumac (I found it on the ‘ingredients’ shelf in Tesco) gave this salad a wonderful lift, as did the simple suggested dressing of 2 tbsp red wine vinegar, 2 tbsp olive oil, 2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice and salt and pepper.
Buy A Salad For All Seasons by Harry Eastwood at Amazon
Visit Harry’s website at