Recipe: Veggie Thai Pie


I’ve been having a bit of a ‘use up what’s in the freezer’ week, this week, as our freezer is bursting with stuff, which means there’s no room to put anything new and interesting, which can’t be right.

I pulled out a plastic container and left it on the side for its contents to defrost. I didn’t know what was in it but decided that, whatever it was, it was going to be wrapped in some leftover filo pastry that was also taking up valuable freezer space.

The mystery contents turned out to be some left-over slow-cooked Thai green curry (using Meet The Alternative’s chicken-style pieces which I really like – they have a totally different texture to Quorn), and the Veggie Thai Pie was invented.

Veggie Thai Pie (serves 2)

2 portions Thai Green Curry
10 small sheets filo pastry
Vegetable oil (for brushing)

  1. If the Thai Green Curry is cold, heat it up.
  2. Grease an ovenproof dish.
  3. Lay one sheet of filo in the dish and brush with oil.
  4. Layer four more sheets of filo on top, each brushed with oil.
  5. Spread the Thai Green Curry over the filo.
  6. Layer on the remaining filo, brushing each with oil.
  7. Bake in the oven at 180C for about 20 minutes, until golden brown on top.
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