Vegetarian Dutch pancakes

Since the last time I went to My Old Dutch in Holborn, I’ve been craving pancakes, and what better time to make them than on Pancake Day? and now I know how easy they are to make and how tasty they are, I think I’m going to make them every day.  Should be compulsory really.

Ingredients (makes 1 big pancake)
60g plain flour
1/4 pint milk (I used soya milk and it was fine)
1 egg

Turn the grill on

Make the batter by beating together the flour and milk, then slowly beat in the egg (I used an electric whisk; you might want to use a bigger bowl than I did so it doesn’t go everywhere)
Heat a bit of oil in a large non-stick frying pan
Pour in the batter and cook until the underside is brown
Turn the pancake over (I was too scared to toss it.  Wimp.)
Add toppings (I used my leftover mushrooms [that I fried first in some butter and garlic], tomato, spinach and cheese)
Put under the grill for a couple of minutes
Find a big plate
Eat it and be full of pancake all night.






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  1. I’m no good at omelettes either. I made a pancake on Monday again and it was still fine, so yes, it was just you! (Or I have no tastebuds and don’t know what cr*p food is.)

  2. Mmmm that looks just like my favourite pancake from My Old Dutch! I love that place. I’m going to have a go at making one of these.

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