Vegan Monday: might as well call it Junk Food Monday

As the title says, I might as well call Vegan Monday, Junk Food Monday. Or move Vegan Monday to another day – a day when I can actually be bothered to cook something, rather than just see what there is in the freezer to heat up and serve with chips and beans.

Before I get on to what I had with my chips and beans though, let’s go back a bit. Remember last week I realised I hadn’t actually been vegan for any of my Vegan Mondays as my lip balm wasn’t vegan? Even the one I’d got from VegFest? Well, I solved that little problem by popping into Lush after university one day and got myself a little tub of None of Your Beeswax. Problem solved, yay!


So, what did I do this morning? Yeah, got up, brushed my teeth, put on some lip balm … from the bathroom cabinet … which wasn’t vegan, dammit! I’m going to have to buy pots of these to put everywhere although at £5.75 a pot, that’s going to make Vegan Monday quite an expensive challenge.

Anyway, on to dinner. I’d picked up some of Redwood’s (or whatever they’re called now) Fishcakes that I hadn’t had before.


I’d actually wanted some of their fish steaks, that I love, but Holland & Barrett didn’t have any, so I thought I’d give these a go. They were crispy and had a subtle fish flavour that wasn’t artificial or overpowering – I’ll definitely have them again.


Er, yes, they were served with chips (Tesco jacket wedges, to be specific) and baked beans.

Next Monday, I’m going to try harder not to a) use lip balm containing beeswax; and b) eat chips and baked beans.

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  1. Love how you call them aubergines — sounds so much nicer than the eggplants we eat over here in the States! 🙂 #AmericanGirlProbs

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