Vegan Haggis, Mushroom and Cabbage Pasties

Vegan haggis pasty

What do you do when you’ve got half a block of puff pastry and half a vegetarian haggis in the freezer, a leftover field mushroom in the fridge and a cabbage in your veg box delivery? Make vegetarian haggis, mushroom and cabbage pasties of course! I love finding leftover pastry in the freezer as I haven’t found anything that isn’t improved by being wrapped in pastry. Well, ice cream might be a bit rubbish, I suppose, but the combination of vegetables and pastry is always a winner.

Vegan haggis pasty

You’re going to have to get your hands dirty with these pasties as the filling requires pushing down a bit. You may not have a problem with getting your hands dirty – indeed, you might even embrace it but, personally, I hate it and I really should wear an apron more often instead of wiping my hands on my jeans or on the nearest available tea towel.

If you haven’t had vegetarian haggis before, you’re missing out. I’ve only ever had Macsween’s vegetarian haggis (which is also vegan), which is a blend of lentils, oatmeal, black kidney beans, vegetables, onions, herbs and spices and tastes incredibly natural for something out of a packet. It’s so tasty you don’t need to add anything to it, which is why there’s no seasoning in my recipe.

Vegan haggis pasty

Vegan haggis pasty

Vegetarian and vegan haggis pasties


Vegan haggis pasty

5.0 from 7 reviews
Vegan Haggis, Mushroom and Cabbage Pasty
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Cuisine: Vegan
Serves: 2
  • 1 field mushroom, sliced
  • 250g puff pastry
  • 200g vegetarian haggis
  • 50g cabbage, shredded
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • Soya milk, to glaze
  1. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the mushrooms for about 5 minutes then set aside.
  2. Roughly chop the haggis (I also bashed it about in the frying pan) and fry for about 5 minutes and remove from the heat.
  3. Steam the cabbage for about 5 minutes.
  4. If the pastry isn't ready-rolled, roll it out on to a lightly floured surface into a rectangle about the depth of a pound coin (don't worry if the rectangle isn't even, you can make it look neater when you're folding it up).
  5. Cut the pastry in half and layer the mushrooms on half of each half, leaving a border.
  6. Put the haggis on top of the mushrooms and slightly flatten with your hand.
  7. Put the cabbage on top of the haggis.
  8. Using your finger, wet the edges of the pastry with some of the soya milk.
  9. Fold over the empty half of the pastry over the haggis, mushroom and cabbage filling and crimp down the edges with your fingers.
  10. Glaze the pasties with the soya milk and score two slits in the top of each one.
  11. Line a baking tray with baking paper and bake in the oven at 180C for about 20 minutes, until golden.

Here are some more of my vegetarian haggis recipes:

Vegan haggis stuffed pepper
Vegan haggis stuffed mushrooms
Vegetarian haggis pizza wrap
Red peppers stuffed with vegetarian haggis and mushrooms

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  1. My dream meal would be anything with pastry, especially the puff variety! I’ll have to come to yours when I need a comforting meal! 😛

  2. It would be nice to know how to make the puff pastry itself for those of us (like me) who don’t have it in the freezer right now so I could make this tasty-looking delight immediately.

    1. I’ve never made puff pastry – the only pastry I’ve ever made was a rough one that couldn’t go wrong. Perhaps I should challenge myself to make some!

  3. I’m a sucker for anything wrapped in pastry, so these are right up my street! Love how hearty and satisfying these look without the inclusion of meat.

  4. Yes please to pastry with anything and everything 😉 These look super tasty, but you’ve inspired me now to have a go at making my own veggie haggis.

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