Vegan cheese on toast

Today I decided to be brave and venture once again into the strange and mysterious realm of vegan cheese and make myself some vegan cheese on toast with some of the melting mozzarella Cheezly I have left after testing some on the pizza I made the other day.  Because it has a slightly clay-like texture, it sticks to the knife and I have to peel it off and it falls apart and I scatter it haphazardly over the toast.

Vegan cheese on toast 002

I decide it will probably be nicer with some tomatoes and vegan Worcestershire sauce.  I also decide it would probably be nicer with Anchor butter under the cheese but that wouldn’t really be in keeping with the spirit of my vegan lunch.

Vegan cheese on toast 003I put it under the grill and it starts to bubble.  After a few minutes I take it out and hurrah, I have melted vegan cheese on toast!

Vegan cheese on toast 004I nervously take it over to the table to eat it and take a bite.  It’s not bad.  A bit grainy and with a very subtle flavour, but dairy mozzarella doesn’t have a strong flavour anyway so maybe I’ll try some melting Cheddar style next time.  Although maybe next time I’ll just have toast.

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  1. Got to agree that most vegan cheese is not great but I managed to try some No Moo Vegan cheese while abroad.

    At first I though they had served me dairy cheese, as it tasted so nice. I did pull the waiter & he brought out the packet, which stated it was vegan. Unlike the other vegan cheeses I ahve tried, this had a really nice taste to it, smelt really nice and had no horrible chemical after taste.

    Ive managed to track it down in the UK to

    Its about the same price as the other stuff but far nicer

  2. I have to say Redwood Parmesan Cheezly is probably the closest in taste to real cheese and is amazing for cheese on toast – even eating blocks of it out of the packet is nice. Its always sold out in our holland and barrett because its so popular so I have to order online – but its amazing. hth. Sam

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