Tyrrells Crinkly Veg Crisps

Tyrrells-Crinky-Vegetable-CrispCoveted by cord wearers it says on the packet. I like cord. I also like crisps, so I should love these.

Tyrrells Crinkly Veg Crisps are a new product from Tyrrells. Instead of putting potatoes through their crinkling machine, they had a go with root vegetables (according to the PR blurb, it’s ‘your favourite root vegetables’ but they didn’t ask me what my favourite root vegetables were, as had they had asked me, my favourite root vegetables would not include beetroot, parsnip and carrot).

My only experience of vegetable crisps have been of the ones they sell in Pret a Manger. I didn’t like those, so I wasn’t expecting to like these. However, these aren’t like dried up vegetables, these are like crisps; the same texture as proper potato crisps and everything. They’re crinkly and crispy and crunchy and have a slightly sweet, aromatic taste.

Apparently, a sample of Tyrrells Taste Testers agreed that the Rosemary and Wild Garlic flavouring was reminiscent of vegetables at a traditional Sunday Roast, but as our traditional Sunday Roast vegetables are frozen peas, you’ll just have to take their word for that.

I have no idea if these are better for you than potato crisps but if you want a tasty alternative and aren’t bothered about calories (these contain 199 calories per 40g bag), then give them a go.

Suitable for vegetarians and people who wear cord.

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