The Gentle Chef Vegan Maryland Crab’less Cakes


After seeing someone posting this on one of the vegan Facebook groups I’m a member of, I really wanted to make them. There’s quite a lot to it – it’s not something you’re going to whip up in a couple of minutes – but it’s mostly seasonings and the method isn’t difficult at all.

I don’t think we can get Old Bay Seasoning here in the UK, so I found this recipe on the internet which can be made up and used in its place:

Old Bay Seasoning

2.5 tbsp paprika
2 tbsp salt
2 tbsp garlic powder
1 tbsp black pepper
1 tbsp onion powder
1 tbsp cayenne
1 tbsp oregano
1 tbsp thyme

I halved the recipe for the crab’less cakes, cooked two of them, and froze the rest. The nori sheets give it the ‘fishy’ taste and they make a great alternative to the usual ‘meaty’ stuff.

You can find the recipe for the Gentle Chef Maryland Crab’less Cakes on his website.

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    1. I’d never heard of them either, but apparently they’re “a vegetable harvested from the inner core and growing bud of certain palm trees”. I got mine in Tesco in a Green Giant tin, so if Green Giant make them, I assume they’re more popular than I thought?

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