Potato and leek boulangere

After not being mightily impressed with the meals so far cooked out of The Complete Vegetarian Cookbook, I thought I’d choose what had to be a foolproof recipe. A recipe containing leeks and potatoes cooked in cream, milk and cheese can’t go wrong, can it? No, it can’t. It got a rating of ‘yum’ by The Meat Eater and didn’t get put in the bin.

Here it is pre-oven

potato and leek 002 

and post oven

potato and leek 004 

and on the plate.

potato and leek 005

The blurb said (yes, I know, why do I take so much notice of what the blurb says?) that it didn’t need much in the way of accompaniment other than a light salad but I had been tempted to have it with a burger but took a trip to the tip while it was cooking and had it on its own when I got back. A burger or sausage would have gone nicely with it, although, at 719 calories per portion, maybe stick to the light salad they suggest.

Potato and leek boulangere (serves 4-6)
Preparation: 15 minutes
Cooking: 1 hour
Suitable for freezing
Calories per serving (4 portions): 719
kj 2996
Protein 18g
Fat: 51g (saturated fat 32g)
Carbohydrate: 50g

25g (1oz) butter
500g (1lb) leeks, sliced
2 garlic cloves, chopped
875g (1 3/4 lb) potatoes, scrubbed and thinly sliced
4 tomatoes, sliced
300ml (1/2) pint double cream
300ml (1/2) pint milk
125g (4oz) smoked cheese, grated
salt and freshly ground black pepper

  1. Use the butter to grease a large, deep 30 x 30cm (12″ x 12″) ovenproof dish. Put in half of the chopped leeks and garlic, cover with half of the slices of potato and season well.
  2. Cover with a layer of the remaining leeks and garlic, then the remaining potato slices and season well again. Cover with the slices of tomato.
  3. Mix the cream with the milk and pour over the top.
  4. Cover with grated cheese and bake in a preheated oven, 180c, Gas Mark 4, for 1 hour or until the potatoes are cooked and the cheese well browned.
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  1. This looks great for a delicious supper now the weather is changing.

    I found a recipe for a vegetarian shepherd’s pie in Vegetarian Living Magazine this month. It only took me about 20 minutes to make and I’m a slow cook! Tasted great too.

  2. Hi Cathy, I never found many of Sarah Brown’s recipe up to much either. I tend to use the veggie recipes of standard ‘chef’s’ like Delia and Nigel Slater and Madhur Jaffrey.

  3. Delia’s recipes always come out nice, but she relies a lot on cheese and eggs. Haven’t tried any of Nigel Slater’s, but will have a look for some. Thanks for the recommendation.

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