Recipe: Leek, Mushroom and Goat’s Cheese Tart

Leek, mushroom and goat's cheese tart
Leek, mushroom and goat’s cheese tart

I love these kinds of meals. The kind where you use up what you’ve got in the fridge. So simple, so cheap but, most importantly, so delicious.

Leek, mushroom and goat's cheese tart
Goes great with peas and potatoes

Leek, mushroom and goat’s cheese tart (serves 4)

½ block puff pastry, rolled into a rectangle
½ a large leek, sliced
3 mushrooms, sliced
65g goat’s cheese
1 tbsp butter
½ tsp oregano
½ tsp marjoram
salt and pepper

  1. Pre-heat the oven to 200C/gas mark 6.
  2. Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the leeks for a few minutes until soft.
  3. Add the mushrooms to the pan and fry for another few minutes.
  4. Add the herbs and salt and pepper.
  5. Lightly score 1cm from the edge of the rolled pastry and add the leek mixture inside the score lines.
  6. Crumble the goat’s cheese on top and bake in the oven for about 15 minutes.


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