Wow, is it really almost four years since I did Jason Vale’s 3 Day Detox? (If you want to read my posts from then, here’s day 1, day 2, day 3 and the conclusion.) Although after doing the challenge (I prefer the word ‘challenge’ to ‘detox’), I had said I was going to have a juice for breakfast and lunch, then have a normal dinner but, yeah, that didn’t quite happen.
Recently though, I’ve noticed friends on Facebook have been juicing and posting photos of their creations. This inspired me to dust off my juicer and give juicing another go, especially as I’ve been feeling a bit of a fat bloater lately.
I’m not following a plan or even following any recipes (although I am taking inspiration for combinations from Jason Vale’s Juicemaster Keeping It Simple book, which contains over 100 recipes for juices and smoothies.
Over the last few days, I’ve been having a smoothie or juice for breakfast (no change there then), then a juice for lunch. My fridge is currently bursting with spinach (chuck in a handful to each smoothie or juice – you won’t taste it), celery, apples, pineapple, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cucumber and ginger.
This morning’s smoothie was spinach, raspberry, strawberry and soya milk, and lunch was spinach, celery, apple, ginger and pineapple. Delicious.