Healthy Vegan Snacks for Veganuary

Perkier Quinoa Bars

If you’ve been following my journey through Veganuary so far, you’d be forgiven for thinking I’ve turned into a junk food vegan. And I’d have to forgive you for thinking that because, apart from my Nutriblasts/smoothies, my Veganuary diet has been – to be blunt – shit.

Even if my main meals haven’t been that bad, my snacks have been – I’ve been munching Oat Flips, Oreos (not all Oreos are vegan so check the packet for milk), crisps and chocolate on a daily basis and vegan junk food is still junk.

Yes, I could have made my own; it’s not like I’ve never made healthy snacks before, for example, my Oat, Date & Sultana Energy  BallsRaw Vegan Banana Bread Biscuits, or my Raw Vegan Strawberry and Coconut Macaroons but I haven’t quite shaken off that post-Christmas slump yet.

The snacks below were sent to me at the end of last year for a ‘healthy new year’ type post but fortuitously enough, they just so happen to be vegan, too. So, if you’re still in the post-Christmas slump and haven’t quite worked up the energy to make yourself some healthy snacks yet, have a look at these.

The Snack Organisation – Lightly Salted Rice Crackers

Snack Organisation Lightly Salted Rice Crakcers

Don’t confuse these Lightly Salted Rice Crackers from The Snack Organisation with those round polystyrene ceiling tiles you can get (although I do like those); those are rice cakes, not crackers and a completely different thing. For one thing, you couldn’t shove a load of those in your mouth at once like you can these, if you’re that unladylike (or ungentlemantly like), that is. If you are that unladylike and want to shove a handful in your mouth at once, that handful will only contain about 100 calories, and they’re low in fat, too.

Say yay to the rice cracker.

There are two other flavours in the range – teriyaki, and sweet chilli – but as they contain milk, they’re only suitable for vegetarians, not vegans. These lightly salted ones are suitable for vegetarians and vegans though.

The Snack Organisation’s Rice Crackers are available from Tesco, priced at £1.

Perkier Quinoa Bars

Perkier Quinoa Bars

In case you aren’t annoying your friends enough with your healthy lifestyle, you can annoy them even further by acting like a smartarse by correcting them when they see your new snack bar and ask you what ‘quee-noah’ is.

I first saw Perkier’s quinoa bars in Asda (which, to be honest, isn’t the first place I’d go to to look for quinoa-based noms) and picked one up out of interest/because it was on special offer and only cost about 10p. I enjoyed it and so when Perkier emailed me and asked if I’d like some to review on my blog I wasn’t going to say no.

These quinoa bars come in four varieties:

  • Cashew, Chia & Pumpkin Seed
  • Goji & Cranberry
  • Cacao & Cashew
  • Cranberry & Cashew Oat bar enhanced with sprouted buckwheat

and all have ‘vegan’ printed on the label, so you don’t even have to take my doing-veganuary-and-now-you-think-you’re-a-flipping-expert-on-veganism-don’t-you word for it.

For more information and stockists, visit the Perkier website.

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Tribe Snacks

Tribe Snacks

Tribe Snacks are a bit different as they’re not something you can buy in the shops – it’s a box subscription service which means you subscribe to Tribe and they send you a box of snacks on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis.

Although they’re geared mostly towards runners and triathletes, they’re suitable for anyone who has an active life and is looking to eat healthily.

For more information, visit the Tribe website.

Thanks to the Snack Organisation, Perkier and Tribe for sending me their products to try. That should keep me off the junk food for a while.




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