Gold Kiwi Fruit

Gold Kiwi Fruit from Chingford Fruit

I’ve eaten the regular green kiwi fruit many times, but I’d never heard of gold kiwi fruit until Kent-based Chingford Fruit (yes, it is a confusing name, isn’t it? Maybe they started the company in Chingford or something, I don’t know) asked me if I’d like to try some.

Well, of course I did, so they sent me some gold kiwi fruit in a cute little box, tied up with a beautiful purple ribbon (sorry, I’d taken the ribbon off before getting a photo).


They came with a little leaflet outlining the benefits of kiwi fruit. And what a lot of benefits there are:

  • Research shows eating two gold kiwi fruit a day can significantly improve your mood and give you extra energy.
  • Kiwi fruit relieves the pain of poor digestion by breaking down stubborn proteins effectively and efficiently.
  • There is twice as much vitamin C in kiwi fruit than there is in an orange.
  • One serving of kiwi fruit contains more potassium than a banana and more fibre than a bowl of cereal.
  • Kiwi fruit is really low in calories – only 57kcal per 100g.

There you go then, lots of reasons to get more kiwi fruit in your diet. It’s so easy to eat too – just cut the top off and scoop out the flesh with a spoon, or add it to a fruit salad, layer it on top of a fresh fruit tart, use kiwi fruit chunks as an ice cream topping, or do what I did and make it into a smoothie with strawberries, blueberries and soya milk.


Gold kiwi fruit is in season from the end of May through to the end of August in the UK (from New Zealand).

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