Giveaway: Crumb by Ruby Tandoh

Giveaway - Crumb by Ruby Tandoh
Giveaway – Crumb by Ruby Tandoh

If you’re a fan of The Great British Bake Off, you’ll remember Ruby Tandoh, one of the finalists in the 2013 competition. You’ll probably also remember the slagging-off she got in the media (social and otherwise) for no good reason except for people deciding to get all mean girl on her.

Haterz gonna hate – as the young people say – but I loved Ruby; I thought she was fab. I loved her because, as well as the undoubted stress she was under taking part in the show, this didn’t stop her working hard towards her degree (in which she subsequently got a first – go Rubes!), she’s gorgeous and – most importantly, what with this being a vegetarian food blog and that – she also makes delicious vegetarian food. Taking all this into account, we could almost be twins. I say ‘almost’ because I’m old enough to be her mum which obviously makes us being twins slightly unfeasible.

After her success on GBBO, Ruby released a book of her recipes. Although she isn’t a vegetarian, there are plenty of vegetarian recipes contained within it, such as this Spiced Aubergine and Swiss Chard Pie which is just as good cold the next day, as hot.

Spiced Aubergine and Swiss Chard Pie
Spiced Aubergine and Swiss Chard Pie

As Ruby says in Crumb about this recipe, ‘There’s little to be gained in trying to make a vegetarian pie into an ersatz steak-and-kidney or second-rate ‘mince’ and potato version. Meat-free pies should be exciting and different, not apologetic’ and she’s certainly got this recipe right.

Other chapters include:

  • Cake
  • Bread
  • Sweet dough
  • Biscuits
  • Desserts and Puddings
  • Pies and Tarts
  • Pastries
  • Extras (fudge, caramel, chocolate skills, honeycomb, jams, sauces and curds)

Giveaway – Win a copy of Crumb by Ruby Tandoh

If you’d like to win a copy of Crumb by Ruby Tandoh (please remember it also contains meat recipes), leave the answer to this question in the comments section below.

Name one of the presenters on The Great British Bake Off. Is it:

A. Sue Perb
B. Sue Percalifragilisticexpialidocious
C. Sue Perkins

Terms and conditions
UK entries only
The winner will be picked at random after the closing date of Midnight, Saturday 28 February 2015


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  1. C. Sue Perkins.
    Love Ruby, just tried her lemon and rosemary drizzle cake from the guardian column. The book looks amazing!

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