Fresh egg omelette

A few weeks ago I cycled past a house with a table bearing an array of vegetables and a box of eggs.  Next to these was a price list and a jar for money.  I didn’t have any money on me at the time but ever since going past this house, I’ve had a desperate urge to buy eggs from there but every time I cycled past (which was almost every day) there were no more eggs and I returned home disappointed.  I ran past there on Tuesday morning and THERE WERE EGGS THERE!  As I was running, I had no money on me but planned to go back later and hope that the eggs were still there.

They weren’t.

But yesterday when I cycled past, THERE WERE EGGS THERE and I had money on me and everything and so I threw caution to the wind and put all my eggs in one basket and put £1 in the jar and cycled home happily with my fresh out of a chicken’s bum eggs.  And so tonight I made a cheese, tomato and mushroom omelette.  And very nice it was too.

Fresh out of a chicken's bum omelette, jacket wedges and peas
Fresh out of a chicken's bum omelette

Ingredients (serves 2):

4 eggs
1 green chili, chopped
150g mushrooms, sliced
100g cheese, grated
1 tomato, sliced

Fry the mushrooms in some butter and set aside.
Beat the eggs with the green chili.
Heat some butter in a large frying pan.
Add the beaten egg.
Cook until nearly set.
Add the mushrooms, tomato and cheese over half of the omelette.
Fold over the uncovered half over the half with the mushrooms, etc. on.
Slide onto a plate.
Slice into two.
Serve with jacket wedges and peas.
If you’re a wuss like The Meat Eater, pick out the pieces of green chili and leave them on your plate.

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1 comment

  1. I’m a wuss. The omelette was very nice indeed. Didn’t need the chilli though, so since it was so easy to remove it, it would have been a shame to make the meal a challenge instead of an enjoyment. Nice eggs.

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