Competition: Win a copy of Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar

vegan-cookiesI don’t make a lot of cakes or cookies or things. This is obviously  because I’m a finely tuned athlete. Ok, it’s because if I did make cakes or cookies or things, I’d eat the whole lot in one sitting like the fat pig bloater I really am.

But, if I did make a lot of cakes or cookies or things, I’d be sure to make some from Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero (from the brilliant Post Punk Kitchen website and also authors of the even more brilliant Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook).

This lovely little book has over 100 recipes for cookies, bars, biscotti, brownies and more, featuring full-colour photographs throughout.

Going through this book and seeing such tempting things as

  • chocolate chip chai spice shortbread
  • espresso fudge brownies
  • carrot raisin spice chewies
  • peanut butter chocolate pillows
  • macademia ginger crunch drops

is almost making me want to keep it!

Still, I’ve decided to part with it (it’s unused so in perfect condition) and all you have to do to be in with a chance of winning it, is to leave a comment here and I’ll pull the winning name out of a hat.

Good luck!

Terms & conditions
UK entries only*
Competition closes midnight Friday 24 September 2010
The winner will be announced on this blog, so make sure to check back over the weekend after the closing date

*If you’re not in the UK but have a friend here I can post it to, to post on to you, that’s fine.  If you’re not in the UK and don’t have any friends here but want to pay the postage, that’s fine too.

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  1. LMAO @ Bloater Fat Pig although for reasons that are exactly the same I probably shouldn’t enter this comp lol. Good luck everyone! 🙂

  2. I am entering! Would love to win this competition. I love to bake and would love some vegan recipes, especially because I’m meant to be going to some vegetarian/vegan groups soon and would love to make baked goods for everyone!

    Also have a vegetarian giveaway.

  3. This would be brilliant for my daughter who’s BF is vegan, and she is following him, be great to give her a starting point.

  4. I’m the only vegan in my family so it would be great to have a fantastic book like this to make myself (and maybe the rest of my family!) lots of yummy treats! 😀

  5. I’ve been a veggie for nearly 30 years. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 4 years ago and I am worried about diary products from both an animal welfare and health point of view. I would love this book!

  6. Those recipes sound delish *drools*. Would love to win this, although my waistline might suffer for it – I can live with that!

  7. This book would be perfect for me as I’m a bit of a Cookie Monster and just been diagnosed as dairy intolerant. The receipes will allow me to still get my cookie fix! Yummy!

  8. Me & my daughter love to make(& eat!)cookies together & are always on the look out for new but good recipes. This book looks perfect! And vegan too-V rare find indeed!

  9. Its a shame it does not fit on your swanky new armband, woulld be hilarious to see you jogging/huffing &puffing with that strapped to your arm ;0 ace blog as usual

  10. This is your own fault. From twitter to this in two steps. And do I really NEED another cookery book (no) which doesn’t stop me wishing to own this one. Pah. I have no willpower. I should go and write about purple-sprouting broccoli hash just to remind myself that life is not all cookies.

  11. this book sounds fantastic – i’ve vegan friends and always find it hard to find things i can make for them – this would solve many a dilemma

  12. The book looks great. My grandchildren love cooking with me so if I win I’m sure I would get much use out of the book.

  13. oooh, I love the sound of all the ones I read about – green tea walnut biscotti?! How exotic! Sounds like a great book for all – vegan or not. Hope I’m lucky enough to win, if not I’ll be adding it to my wishlist!

  14. my friend has this book and makes the most amazing cookies and brings then into work!! I’m convinced she’s trying to get a promotion lol.

  15. Vegan biscuits and cookies and the one thing I’ve completely failed to master in 30 years of vegan cooking – I think this would solve my problems!
    Especially as the Post Punk Kitchen and Veganomicon are fantastic guides and hugely inspiring.

  16. Curious as to how these will taste, but would love to have a go (especially as my aunt is vegan and my sister in law has a dairy allergy) – if they taste as good as they look ………

  17. would love this for my daughter who’s just started at un- she’s excited about baking and cooking in her new kitchen, so this would be the perfect present to help her win everyone’s affection with fabulous vegan cookies 🙂

  18. Perfect present for my friend…I won’t say anymore than that as I’m going to recommend this site to her…and she may read this. Your cooking is lovely…honest 😉 x

  19. I love being a vegan and would love to let everyone else see that being vegan is just as tasty as being a meat eater or vegetarian. If I won this book I would make loads of cookies and hand them around to encourage others to give veganism a try.

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