Carrot, Apple & Swiss Chard Smoothie

Carrots, Swiss chard and apple

I took part in a big cycling event over the weekend (although I should probably confess the lure of the train station just half a mile away was too strong and I wimped out of the second day) and, as I was away from home, my diet consisted of carbs, carbs and more carbs in the form of pizza, pasta and flapjacks. I have absolutely no problem with any of these essential food items but after three days of it, man, was I craving some good old fruit and veg.

I had no problem curing my craving for fruit and veg as since reinstating my Riverford vegetable box, my kitchen cupboard and fridge are full of the stuff but a plate full of carrot and Swiss chard didn’t appeal, so I decided to make a smoothie out them, adding an apple for sweetness.

Froothie Optimum G2.1 blender

Froothie Optimum G2.1 high speed blender

My Optimum G2.1 high speed blender has a handy touchscreen menu which includes ‘fruit’ and all I had to do, after adding the fruit, veg and water, was select ‘fruit’, press ‘start’ and 60 seconds later, my smoothie was done. I only added water to this smoothie but I’d suggest adding some ice, which I would have done if there had been any in the freezer. I ignored the horror stories from my childhood about how, if you eat the seeds in apples, a tree will grow from your stomach and the branches will come out of your mouth and chucked the whole apple in the blender. A friend recently told me that eating apple seeds will prevent you from getting cancer, but I’m pretty sure that’s as bollocks as the ‘a tree will grow from your stomach’ thing.

Swiss chard, carrot and apple smoothie

Carrot, Apple & Swiss Chard Smoothie

Rating: 51

Total Time: 1 minute

Number of servings: 1

Per Serving 140 calories

Fat 1 g

Carbs 35 g

Protein 3 g


Carrot, Apple & Swiss Chard Smoothie


  • 1 carrot, chopped
  • 1 handful of chard
  • 1 apple, quartered
  • Water
  • Ice


  1. Put the carrot, chard and apple in a blender and fill halfway up the fruit and veg with water and add a few ice cubes.
  2. Blend on high speed for 60 seconds.

Disclaimer: I am an Ambassador for Froothie and any links to their products in this post are affiliate links which, if purchased through, won’t cost you any more but will earn me a small commission. I only endorse products I am happy with and I have not been paid for this post. For more information about the Optimum G2.1 blender mentioned in this post, you can read my review here.

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1 comment

  1. heheheh my kids think that a tree will grow out of them if they eat apple pips – that tickles me greatly! Loving your smoothie… looks so healthy! I think it will definitely cancel out all the pizza, pasta and flapjacks. Also loving that funky cup with the straw…

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