Review: Amrita Easy Detox 3 Day Mini Kit

Amrita easy detox
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January is traditionally the time for people to give their bodies a rest from Christmas excess and whether you call it a ‘new year, new you’ thing, a cleanse, a fast or a detox, they all basically boil down to the same thing: ‘I’m a fat, hungover bloater and I need to step away from the cheese and chocolate and put something healthy inside me’.

Giving your body a rest after a few days or (as in my case) weeks of excess is all well and good but most of these things require you to give up something, whether that’s alcohol or food (and usually both, the party-pooping gits). With the Amrita Easy Detox, although they don’t advise you to carry on partying like it’s 1999 (other years are available and, to be honest, 1999 was a pretty shit year for me anyway), you can eat three meals a day, along with their shakes.

Now, before you start thinking this is going to be like the Jason Vale 3 Day Detox I did a few years ago and you’re going to spend all day a) juicing; and b) cleaning the juicer, there’s none of that malarkey. Amrita’s shakes come in sachets containing a 100% organic herbal formula and all you need to do is mix the contents of a sachet with 50g fresh fruit and 180ml coconut water (you can even leave out the fruit if you like) and blend. Easy peasy, yeah?

Amrita easy detox

As you can see, 180ml isn’t very much, so you’re not going to spend all day drinking shakes. Which is just as well because, as I already said, you eat three healthy meals with the shakes and the kit comes with recommendations for breakfast, lunch and dinner and you can also find recipes in the free ebook you can download. And because you’re eating normally, that means you’ll still have the energy to exercise and go about your usual day-to-day activities.

Amrita easy detox

So, now you’re probably wondering how, if you’re eating normally, are the shakes doing me any good? I’ll let Amrita answer that:

Easy Detox is designed to support and enhance your body’s natural detox pathways to clear out toxins at a deep, cellular level, and then flush them out of your body. The Easy Detox herbal formula turbo-charges your healthy diet to alkalize your body, and protect it from oxidative damage during detox.

During the three days in which I took the shakes, I found them easy to blend, with no gritty bits leftover, and they had a pleasant herby, spicy taste. I’m not great at detecting tastes but I’m sure I got a hit of cinnamon and ginger, which I’ll take over spirulina and wheatgrass any day. Each sachet contains 16 natural ingredients, including coconut flour, tamarind and mung bean and you can find out the health benefits of each ingredient on the Amrita website.

I’m not going to lie and say after the three days, I’d lost a ton of weight, my hair was silky and shiny and my nails grew three inches but I’m sure all those herbs and spices did me some good after the eating and drinking over Christmas. It’s certainly an easy detox to do and my only criticism is that I’d like to see some variation in the sachets – three days of the same flavour three times a day got a tad boring and I wouldn’t want to do seven days or more of it.

The Amrita Easy Detox comes in three sizes:

  • Mini: 9 sachets taken over 3 days with food
  • Classic: 21 sachets taken over 7 days with food
  • Deluxe: 35 premium single-serve sachets, taken as either a 7-day “intensive” or 14-day “relaxed” programme with food.

For pricing and more information, visit the Amrita Easy Detox website.

Amrita sent me their 3 Day Easy Detox Kit to review and commissioned me to write this post. All opinions are my own. 

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